12 January 2009

Introduction to this blog

What means this blog? It is clear from its title that it is something about federalism in Europe. But if you look around, you find there are many webpages and blogs dedicated to this phenomenon on the Internet. This blog wants not bring other convincing of that the people(s) of Europe need a federal union for its (their) future. Its conviction (my conviction actually :-) ) is the current way of the European integration goes to the dead end or it cannot bring any progress in future. The better solution for Europe than current intergovernmental treaties is a true federation. But what federation? Do we require the concrete federation, the federation with the concrete features, or simply any federation? This blog wants give a place to discussions about the shape of the constitution of the federal European state. Something like a forum - that is what I want it to be. So your comments are very welcome. Somebody can object the concrete form of the constitution will be the business of a constituent assembly elected by the people (I am to write next article about it). Certainly, the final form will (probably) come from it but it is not necessary to let everything for the assembly. I do not need - I hope - explain the European federation has to arise from below, from the people. So why just we, the people, should not express themselves to that matter? Maybe only some vague draft of a constitution will come under the sunrays here, maybe even precisely formulated proposal. In every case it can have its reason: the suggestions expressed or formulated by me and you here need not be seen to be a definitive text which has to be adopted in unchanged form. But it can use as an object of wider popular discussion about the shape of construction of the European federation. I don't know if some similar suggestion that can be popularly discussed about already exists, at the least I did not find any. (I am adding that I do not consider the draft of so called Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe to be a federal constitution, even a constitution at all.) The already (i. e. in future) existing suggestion can also serve as a reference point which the candidates to the constituent assembly can take up their points of view to.

In this blog I plan to publish my opinions to different things belonging to the sections Adoption and change, Preamble and general provisions, Competencies, Legislative power, Executive power, Judical power, Rights of people, Final and transitional provisions (not necessary in this sequence). Do not expect new articles (posts) too often. I have to do also other things except writing articles here, besides the theme requires a consideration, I cannot every day sit and compose something (to fill the place here). But if you comment my suggestions or add your own ones, it will not be dead here. You can post your comments except in English also in German or French, but in the case of the last one use rather a simple language please so that I understand it. It may happen that your eventual comment would be too extensive and it would be better to publish it like a stand-alone article. In that case send your text to my e-mail address (see the profile), I will read it and (in absence of obstacles) publish it. So it's all for the present and see you by next articles.


  1. "I don't know if some similar suggestion that can be popularly discussed about already exists, at the least I did not find any." That I have written in the article but it is not true now. Recently, I have found a federal constitution for Europe draft in the adress http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/7128/constit.htm . But it seems to me somewhat incomplete and not fully federal. I will nevertheless return to it in next articles.

  2. Your comment on my blog reminded me of your project.

    So much discussion about the European Union is about happenings from day to day or about the (ratification of) the Lisbon Treaty that there is very little debate about the union EU citizens need to enhance their security and promote their prosperity in the world.

    I want to encourage you to discuss the important theme of a European constitution.
